By-Laws of the Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee
We, the Democratic Executive Committee of Jefferson County, Florida, united in common purpose, hereby dedicate ourselves to the principles which have historically sustained our Party. We recognize that a political party which desires to lead must listen to those it would lead, that a party which asks for the people's trust must prove that it trusts the people, and that a party which hopes to call forth the best the county, state and nation can achieve must embody the very best of our heritage and traditions.
The Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee shall encourage voter registration without discrimination on grounds of race, color, creed, sex, age, religion, economic status, ethnic identity, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression.
What we seek for our county, state and nation we hope for all people: individual freedom in the framework of a just society; political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all citizens.
The mission of the Democratic Executive Committee of Jefferson County is to foster and advance the goals and ideals of our American democratic society through education and community involvement. The Democratic Executive Committee will actively seek out and encourage local citizens who exemplify the goals and ideals of our democratic society to enter the public arena by pursuing public service, including elected office.
September, 2011
SECTION 1. The DEMOCRATIC EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, FLORIDA hereinafter referred to as the COMMITTEE shall be the policy making body for the Democratic Party in Jefferson County and shall perform such duties and observe such limitations as specified in Title IX of the Florida Statutes, as currently revised, and by the Standing Rules of the Florida Democratic Party. The DEC derives its authority from Article V of the Charter, Article V and VI of the Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party. No provision of these Jefferson County DEC Bylaws shall conflict with or contravene any of the provisions of the adopted Charter and Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party.
SECTION 2. Each member shall represent the interests of both the Democratic Party and the Democratic voters of his precinct.
SECTION 1. The elected membership of the COMMITTEE shall consist of one man and one woman who are Democratic Electors residing in and elected from each individual precinct; provided, however, in the event an individual precinct has more than one thousand (1,000) registered Democrats as of January 1 of the year in which qualifying for the COMMITTEE occurs, it shall be entitled to an additional one man and one woman. These persons shall be known as Democratic Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen, respectively. At any time a precinct totals one thousand (1,000) registered Democrats or when new precincts are created, additional County Democratic Executive Committee positions may be created. Such positions shall be filled by the Jefferson County Democratic Executive Committee according to its procedure for filling vacancies.
SECTION 2. Members-At-Large may be appointed by the COMMITTEE Chairman in the number of ten percent (10%) of the total membership to which the County is entitled, with the approval of a majority of the membership present and voting. Appointments shall be for one (1) year from the date of appointment. Said members may be reappointed and shall enjoy voting and other privileges and responsibilities of membership except holding office.
SECTION 3. The definition of elected membership shall be those persons who were elected on the ballot at the polls and those who were elected by the County COMMITTEE to fill vacancies in the precincts.
SECTION 4. Should a person who has been elected in a precinct move out of that precinct and be appointed at-large or to fill a vacancy in the precinct into which he moved, he shall, for purposes of eligibility to seek office, be classified as an elected member for the duration of that term.
SECTION 5. Vacancies on the COMMITTEE shall be filled from among those persons recommended in writing or orally at a duly constituted meeting by any COMMITTEE member, provided however, that no vacant position on the COMMITTEE shall be filled during any period that the position of Committee Chair is vacant, and provided further that any vacancy in the position of Committee Chair shall only be filled as provided in the Bylaws of the Florida Democratic Party. The Credentials Committee shall act upon these recommendations as outlined in Article V, Section 3.
SECTION 6. Good attendance shall be prerequisite of continued membership on the COMMITTEE. All requests for excused absences shall be submitted, in writing or by phone call, to the Secretary of the COMMITTEE. Three (3) unexcused absences in one calendar year shall constitute cause for automatic dismissal from the COMMITTEE.
SECTION 7. No tests for membership in, nor oaths of loyalty to, the Committee shall be required or used which would have the effect of requiring prospective or current members of the Committee to acquiesce in, condone, or support discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, sex, age, religions, economic status, ethnic identity, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression.
SECTION 1. The members of the COMMITTEE shall hold their organizational meeting at a suitable time and place, as determined by the outgoing Chairman, within fourteen (14) days after commencement of the term of office as provided by and pursuant to Florida Statutes and Democratic Party Rules.
SECTION 2. The COMMITTEE shall meet at least four (4) times each year at a regularly prescribed time as determined by a majority of the membership present at a regularly constituted meeting.
SECTION 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chairman or by petition signed by at least five (5) members of the COMMITTEE.
SECTION 4. Notice of all regular or special meetings shall be given each member not less than two (2) days nor more than ten (10) days prior to the date of said meeting. The notice shall give the hour, date and location of the meeting. In the case of a Special Meeting, no other matters shall be brought before the COMMITTEE but the business for which the meeting has been called without the approval of a majority of those members present and voting at said Special Meeting.
SECTION 5. Meetings of the Committee and any other official meetings of any subcommittee or other component of the COMMITTEE shall be open to all members of the Democratic Party who are registered to vote in Jefferson County regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, religion, economic status, ethnic identity, national origin, physical disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity and expression. Visitors, Guests and Observers are welcome, and may, at the discretion of the Chairman, be seated apart from the body of COMMITTEE members at any or all meetings.
SECTION 6. A quorum shall consist of any whole number in excess of twenty-five percent (25%) of the current membership of the COMMITTEE.
SECTION 7. The Order of Business at all regular meetings shall be as follows:
1. Call to order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Roll Call
5. Minutes from the previous meeting
6. Treasurers Report
7. Unfinished Business
8. Committee Reports
9. New Business
10. Program
11. Adjournment
SECTION 8. The foregoing Order of Business, except Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call may be suspended or waived by a majority vote of those present and voting.
SECTION 9. The latest revision of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER shall govern all questions of procedure not specifically provided for herein.
SECTION 1. The COMMITTEE shall have a Chairman and a Vice¬Chairman, who shall be of the opposite sex, each of whom shall be elected from among the membership of the COMMITTEE by a majority vote at the Organizational Meeting of the COMMITTEE. Election of officers, State Committeeman and State Committeewoman or members to fill vacancies, shall be by majority vote of current COMMITTEE members present and voting; and balloting shall continue until a majority decision is reached. Uncontested elections may be by voice vote if the Chairman so decides.
SECTION 2. The following officers shall be elected by majority vote at the Organizational Meeting of the COMMITTEE, shall serve terms concurrent with their terms of membership on the COMMITTEE, and shall perform the duties provided herein:
1. Preside at all meetings of the COMMITTEE.
2. Be the official spokesman for the COMMITTEE and represent it when necessary.
3. Appoint all committees within the COMMITTEE.
4. Countersign all checks issued by the Treasurer and require a full accounting of receipts and disbursements thereof.
5. Be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.
6. Advise the Corresponding Secretary of all regular and Special Meetings in sufficient time to notify the members.
7. Be responsible for notifying the Supervisor of Elections and the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee of Florida of the names of those elected to fill COMMITTEE vacancies.
8. Send to the Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee the following:
(a) Within ten (10) days after each Regular or Special Meeting of the COMMITTEE, a copy of the minutes of said meeting.
(b) Quarterly reports of the assets and liabilities of the COMMITTEE.
10. Perform all other duties customarily performed by a presiding officers, not inconsistent with the Election Laws and the latest revision of ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER.
1. Perform the duties and exercise the powers of the Chairman in the event of that officer=s absence or incapacity.
2. Be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.
3. Be responsible for coordination and issuance of a Calendar of Democratic Events.
1. Attend and keep the minutes of all meetings of the COMMITTEE along with all other records.
2. Keep and file all correspondence relative to the COMMITTEE and perform such other duties as the Chairman shall direct.
3. Keep a current list of all qualified members on the Committee along with all other records.
1. Deposit all funds in such bank or banks as the COMMITTEE may direct and be responsible for all COMMITTEE funds as provided in Article I.
2. Keep a permanent monthly record of all receipts and expenditures, including a file of all bills, receipts, deposit slips, check stubs and vouchers.
3. Pay all bills approved by the COMMITTEE.
4. Render an account of all receipts and expenditures when so directed by the Chairman of the Budget and Audit Committee.
5. Upon direction of the Chairman, submit accounts for public audit annually, prior to April 1, and file a copy of such audit with the Supervisor of Elections and with the State Headquarters. Accounts shall be submitted quarterly to the Budget and Audit Committee.
1. Act as the liaison between the COMMITTEE and the Florida Democratic Party.
2. Attend meetings of the Florida Democratic Party Executive Committee and represent the interests of the COMMITTEE at those meetings.
3. Act as liaison between the COMMITTEE and clubs.
4. Assist the Campaign Committee with development and implementation of the Campaign Plan.
SECTION 3. State committeeman and state committeewoman shall be elected from among the elected membership and shall serve their terms concurrent with their terms of membership on the COMMITTEE.
SECTION 4. In case of the death or resignation of the Chairman, the Vice¬Chairman shall automatically become Chairman for the remainder of the unexpired term, and a new Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the COMMITTEE members at the next meeting of the COMMITTEE.
SECTION 5. The Chairman shall appoint officers who shall perform the duties provided herein:
1. Maintain order and decorum at the instance of the Presiding Officer.
2. Have a complete list of current Committee members.
Advise the Chairman on points of procedure when the Chairman so requests.
Publicize all activities of THE COMMITTEE.
SECTION 6.Any officer of the Jefferson County DEC seeking the Democratic nomination for public office shall take a leave of absence from the County Executive Committee office commencing at the time of opening a campaign
account for said public office and extending for the duration of the campaign.
The vacancy created shall be filled by the Democratic Executive Committee for
the interim period.
SECTION 1. All committees shall be appointed by the Chairman from among the members of the COMMITTEE or enrolled Democrats, unless such membership is specifically limited to the officers or the members of the DEC as so provided for in this Article V. The Chairman shall make a special effort to see members are allowed, within reason, to serve on the committees of their choice.
SECTION 2. All committees shall submit written reports as needed to the Chairman and these reports may be read at the meeting for which submitted.
SECTION 3. Standing Committees shall consist of the following and their duties and responsibilities shall be provided herein, except that the Chairman may assign other duties to them from time to time.
1. Shall be composed of at least three (3) DEC members.
2. Shall work in conjunction with the Florida Democratic Party Affirmative Action Committee to further the goals and policies of the Democratic Party.
1. Shall be composed of at least three (3) members.
2. Shall work in conjunction with the Florida Young Democrats to further the goals and policies of the Democratic Party.
1. Shall be composed of at least one (1) DEC member from each County Commission District.
2. Shall determine if vacancies exist in Jefferson County precincts.
3. Shall receive names and applications of Democrats recommended for COMMITTEE Membership at a Regular Meeting of the COMMITTEE and shall determine if they are registered Democratic electors.
The Credentials Committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the COMMITTEE for approval by a majority of those present and voting. If the applicant is approved by a majority vote of these present and voting, he will be placed on active Roll Call for next meeting.
4. If a vacancy occurs in a precinct and there is a Member¬At-Large from that same precinct, he may submit an application for the vacancy, be approved by the COMMITTEE, and be sworn in at the same meeting.
1. Shall be composed of at least five (5) members.
2. Shall study, report and recommend for approval of THE COMMITTEE ways and means of raising money for the purposes of this organization.
1. Shall be composed of at least three (3) members in addition to the Publicity Director who shall act as Chairman.
2. Shall recommend to the COMMITTEE the proper procedures for obtaining the most beneficial coverage in the media.
1. Shall be composed of at least eight (8) members.
2. Shall recommend plans for the election of Democratic candidates and shall implement the basic Campaign Plan for county Democratic Executive Committees in coordination with with the Florida Democratic Party.
3. Democratic candidates may appoint representatives to act as advisory members of this committee.
1. Shall be composed of at least five (5) members.
2. Shall recommend legislative action on Democratic Party matters.
3. Shall familiarize the COMMITTEE with legislation of particular interest to the Democratic Party and to Jefferson County.
1. Shall be composed of at least five (5) members.
2. Shall study, report and recommend proposed changes in the bylaws.
1. Shall be composed of at least three (3) DEC members.
2. Shall advise the COMMITTEE in the establishment and maintenance of a balanced budget and shall make quarterly reviews of budget compliance.
1. Shall be composed of at least four (4) members.
2. Shall plan for speakers, or educational and other programs as desired by the COMMITTEE
K. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: The Committee may consist of an unlimited number of enrolled Democrats who by their efforts have distinguished themselves by contributing to the welfare of the residents of Jefferson County. The Committee will be called upon to counsel with the DEC with respect to issues, the encouragement of qualified democrats to consider public office and to assist the DEC in the raising of funds to support the general election of Democrats
SECTION 1. The COMMITTEE shall have the authority to raise, receive, accept, solicit, maintain and expend such funds as may be received from any source not prohibited by law or precluded by ethical considerations.
SECTION 2. No member shall receive reimbursement for attending meetings of the COMMITTEE, nor shall any personal expenses be reimbursed except as specifically approved in the Annual Budget or by Special RESOLUTION.
SECTION 3. The Annual Budget for the forthcoming year shall be submitted for approval in December. After an election, it shall be reviewed for reapproval by the new COMMITTEE.
SECTION 4. Funds of the COMMITTEE shall be deposited in the name of The Democratic Executive Committee of Jefferson County or in Special Accounts as approved by the COMMITTEE. Disbursement shall be by check or bank draft drawn over the signatures of the Chairman and the Treasurer and shall be consistent with Budget authorizations. Unbudgeted expenditures shall be allowed only with the approval of a majority vote of the membership.
SECTION 5. The Chairman shall have the authority to expend not more than two hundred dollars ($200) at his discretion without prior approval of the COMMITTEE.
SECTION 6. An annual audit shall be conducted by qualified examiners who are not members of the COMMITTEE. They shall be selected by the COMMITTEE upon recommendation of the Budget and Audit Committee. The audit shall reflect the financial status for the calendar year ending December 31, and shall be completed in time to allow filing with the Supervisor of Elections and the Chairman of the State Democratic Executive Committee prior to April 1 of the ensuing year. A copy of the audit shall be retained by the Chairman for inspection by members of the COMMITTEE.
The COMMITTEE shall have the right, at any Regular or Special Meeting, to recall any or all officers by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present and voting, as provided in the Election Code, provided membership receives at least ten (10) days prior written notice that said action will appear on the Agenda.
These bylaws can be amended at any Regular Meeting of the COMMITTEE by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present and voting provided, however, that such amendments shall be proposed at one meeting and not voted upon until the next meeting. In no case shall less than one (1) month elapse between proposal of the amendment and its consideration for adoption.
SECTION 1. Any elected member who, for any reason, is unable to attend any COMMITTEE meeting may execute a written proxy. Such proxy shall be sworn to before a notary public or, in the alternative, may be validated by two (2) registered Democrats signing as witnesses. The holder of said proxy shall be a qualified Democratic voter not a member of the committee before which said proxy is to be presented and shall reside in the same precinct as said member. No person shall be permitted to hold more than one proxy.
SECTION 2. Appointed members shall designate as holder of their proxies a Democrat from same area of representation as said member.
SECTION 3. Any proxy which is incomplete in any way shall be returned to the member issuing the proxy. The member sending the incomplete proxy shall be notified immediately by phone or facsimile transmission that the proxy is incomplete.
SECTION 4. Proxies shall be submitted to the COMMITTEE Chairman prior to the meeting.
SECTION 5. Proxies shall not be considered in satisfying attendance requirements.
SECTION 6. All proxies shall be in substantially the same form as those attached to these bylaws as Attachments 1 and 2.
The Democratic Loyalty Oath is included in these Bylaws as Attachment 3. Its use shall be as set forth in the Charter and/or Bylaws.
Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or application of the Charter, Bylaws, rules, or policies of the Florida Democratic Party or the Bylaws of the Committee shall be adjudicated by the Judicial Council of the Florida Democratic Party.
I hereby appoint as
my proxy to attend the meeting to be
held on , 20_ in
Florida, to vote on any and all matters and to take part in any deliberations as I could do as general member if present.
Sworn to and subscribed before me on this, the day of
, 20 , at
I hereby appoint as
my proxy to attend the meeting to be
held on , 20_ in
Florida, to vote on any and all matters and to take part in any deliberations as I could do as general member if present.
Signature and Address of Witness
Signature and Address of Witness